Today I read a blog by David Neiwert on the Crooks and Liars website. His blog was in response to Brian Kilmeade’s comment that “Not all Muslim are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim”. Neiwart’s blog is aimed not only at Mr. Kilmeade, but also at other Americans who share the same view. Mr. Neiwart supplies examples of numerous non-Muslim people who have performed acts of terror in our country. I agree with Mr. Neiwart. I had this argument with someone just a few days ago when they posted on facebook that we should stop allowing Muslims into our country. My question to them concerned Christians who bomb abortion clinics. By their logic, all Christians will bomb clinics. Apparently we should stop allowing Christians into our country as well.
Our country is great because of its diversity not in spite of it. The close mindedness that people like Mr. Kilmeade are demonstrating is the same as that shown by people who think all black people are thieves or all Hispanics are illegal. The majority of Muslims entering our country are coming because they are fleeing the same radicalism that we fear not because they want to participate in it.
I believe I may have lost track of my critique and crossed over into an editorial of my own. I apologize. I feel that Neiwert did a good job of disabusing the notion that only Muslim’s are terrorists. His viewpoint is well supported by the examples he provides. He provides sound arguments that negate Kilmeade’s statement. He reminds us all that the greatest threat to our country is not coming from without; it is coming from within.
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